On November 15th, 2017, the Dauphin County, PA Deferred Compensation Plan will take the following actions:
- Remove the Fidelity Inflation Protected Bond Fund (FINPX) from the Dauphin County, PA Deferred Compensation Plan’s investment line-up and models and replace it with the Eaton Vance Short Duration Real Return Fund I (EIRRX) in the plan investment line-up and modes.
- Add the Third Avenue Real Estate Value Fund (TVRVX) as the global real estate investment option for inclusion in the Plan’s models and for participants to select as a component in their portfolios.
- Rebalance the DC Conservative through DC Aggressive Growth Models to their new allocations that include the Third Avenue Real Estate Value Fund. The new model allocations are listed on page 2.
So that the fund changes may be made, there will be no trading in participant accounts on November 14th and 15th. Trading will resume as normal, usually by mid-day, on November 16th, 2017. If you would like to make changes to your account, please do so before November 14th.
You can read the plan announcement that was distributed with your paychecks on October 13th using the link below: